Saturday, February 20, 2016

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

As I've mentioned before I'm not a baker.  Baking makes me nervous.  Forget one thing or add a little too much this and that and you've ruined it all.

Well I made some chocolate chip cookies today (with the help of my five year old assistant) and I/we didn't ruin them!  They actually came out really good!  Good enough for me to want to share with you in fact.  

The child and I have varying degrees of colds right now so I'm not sure if our cookies would be board of health approved, but they were certainly husband approved.  I searched the internet for different chocolate chip cookie recipes that were specifically vegan.  I honestly feel like sometimes vegan baking recipes are made to be too complex and contain a lot of ingredients that one doesn't not usually have in their kitchen.  I felt a little discouraged and decided to search regular scratch chocolate chip cookie recipes and "veganize" them.  

I found a few different recipes all containing ingredients I have in my kitchen (yes I have a bag of chocolate chips on hand don't judge) and I got to veganizing!  

Here's what I did…

  • 1/2 Earth Balance vegan butter (melted) 
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 2 flax eggs (I'll explain)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • 1 bag of vegan chocolate chips (sometimes these are "accidentally" vegan but you can fine dairy free chips in the healthy (expensive) section of the grocery store as well.)
  • 2 1/4 cup flour (I just used all purpose flour)
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
So to review flax eggs are not that scary!  First you need some flax seed meal, I use Bob's Red Mill (I get mine at Xmas Tree Shop of Job Lot…so much cheaper).  All you need to do is whisk one tablespoon of flax seed meal with three tablespoons of water to make one egg equivalent.  Let the mixture sit for about five minutes.  

While your flax eggs are setting whisk your salt, baking soda, and flour together.   In a separate bowl mix together your sugars, melted butter, vanilla extract and flax eggs.  Slowly pour in your dry mixture and stir together.  I felt like my mix was a little dry to I added a few splashes of almond milk (you could use water too).  If I made this recipe again I might experiment with adding another egg but stick with this for now.  Then add your chocolate chips!

Have your oven preheated to 375 degrees.  I scooped out my cookie dough with and ice cream soup and spread my cookies about two inches apart on my cookie sheet.  I covered my pan with aluminum foil because I have a cheap cookie sheet and I was afraid they would stick.  I cooked my cookies for about 25 minutes.  

I personally think they came out great.  They were nice and chewy.  It's a super easy recipe I'll defiantly be making again soon!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Review: Eggplant Garlic Spread

I am so happy to be on school vacation.  I love my job, but I also love being able to sleep in past 6 am.  School vacation also is a great excuse to get together with friends and family and eat/make some yummy food.  

To kick off off school vacation I got together with some of my teacher friends on Thursday night.  We had so much awesome (and all vegan) food.  The girl who was hosting is an amazing cook and someone I love talking food with.  She made an awesome appetizer which I have already made for two parties (and it's only the following Tuesday).  

Let me introduce you to Trader Joe's Eggplant Garlic Spread.  I know many of you are not fans of eggplant, and neither is my husband yet he loves this appetizer dish.  It's a nice flavorful savory spread and I have a feeling I'm going to be experimenting a lot more with it.  

So anyways, the only app I've made with this spread (and I'm an expert because I've eaten an entire load of bread with this speed so far) is super simple and easy.  All it is is toasted bread, eggplant garlic spread, and chopped black olives.  Simple.  Easy.  Delicious.  I left the olives off of some of the bread since I know not everyone is a fan.  I would imagine tomatoes would work great as well.  

So next time you're at Trader Joe's I would recommend you pick up this spread.  You won't regret it, even if you're not an eggplant fan.  

P.S.  school vacation week is when I realize that my dog sleeps for about 80% of the day.  I definitely want to request being reincarnated as a dog next time around...

Valentine's Day

Happy belated Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope everyone single or attached enjoyed their Sunday.  When I was single I always found Vday to be a great excuse to buy myself flowers and make something nice for dinner.  Now that I'm married I have someone else to buy me flowers, but now I have two people to cook a romantic dinner for (and yes I still want to do the cooking).

So if you haven't been able to tell by now, we like to show our love with food in this house (please see meal #2 below).  I started my Valentine's day with the boys making me a delicious vegan breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and fruit with yogurt.  It was awesome!

It was absolutely freezing here on Sunday, to the point where it was dangerous to be outside.  I did brave the cold, however, to trek out to the grocery store.  I asked my husband what he wanted for Valentine's Day dinner and I made my pilgrimage to Trader Joe's. 

Dylan requested soup because it was the perfect soup kind of day (i.e. FREEZING!)  I referenced Chloe Coscarelli's Vegan Italian Kitchen cookbook and decided I was making her spicy tomato soup (maybe not so spicy for my hubby).  I love her recipes because they are easy to make and don't require copious exotic ingredients I can only find at Whole Foods for $20.  Anyways, the soup came out amazing and I served the leftovers when my mother in law came over tonight.  Everyone enjoyed it.  

This week my husband is taking me out all week (it's his Vday gift and also we're on school vacation!).  Some of the places we are going are vegan restaurants in the area.  I'm very much looking forward to it and am prepping myself for nostalgia overload!  

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

I'm alive (and went to Grasshopper)!

…I promise.  I've been meaning to post for so long, but the universe has gotten in the way.  So many things have happened in the last few weeks and so many awesome food experiences I missed blogging out on!  Dang it!

In the last few weeks we've seen many friends, had an emergency trip to the ER for my eye, was temporarily blinded in my left eye for a couple of days after that, survived parent/teacher conferences, had an unexpected snow day, my husband had a show (he's in a black metal band if you can believe that) and so much more.

Now I'm back here and cooking on this Saturday night.  It feels more like Sunday since we didn't have school yesterday.  You should have seen me yesterday, I was cooking up a storm.  I was definitely in my happy place (also mimosas were in the picture so that helped).

My husband had a show last night and they were awesome (if you like that kind of music…I am bias).  I of course played the role of the supportive spouse/groupie and came along.  Luckily for me the show was right down the street from my all time favorite vegan restaurant, Grasshopper.  Grasshopper is an all vegan Chinese food restaurant in Allson, MA.  It's amazing.  Everyone who works there is super nice and it's so liberating to walk into a restaurant where you know you can order anything on the menu.

And it's definitely some feel good vegan comfort food for sure.  There are so many amazing choices on the menu and we have a few favorites that I will share with you.  It's definitely not the healthiest food in the world, but you never walk out of there feeling gross like you can with other Chinese food restaurants.

I brought my husband here for his first birthday that we spend together.  I think it was his first taste of heaven.  In case you visit (and I hope you do) we always order…

  • The No Name-it's a fried gluten dish that resembles General Gao's chicken.  It is not good for you at all but it is so so good.  
  • #69 (Black Pepper Beef)-this is my favorite.  It's a seitan dish sautéed with greens and this amazing sauce.  It's so good.  When I lived closer I would made a trek just to pick some of this up along with some some fried rice on a Friday night.  
  • House Fried Rice-  I believe this is #101 on the menu.  This fried rice dish gives you a taste of all the vegan "meats" on the menu including shrimp, fish, chicken and beef.  Sometimes they seem to run out of the shrimp but we were lucky to get some in our rice last night.  
  • Chicken Fingers- more like cake chicken fingers.  They are delicious and sweet and one of my hubby's favorites.

So those are our go to items on the menu.  They do have a buffet on certain Sundays a month which I've never been to but I've heard good things.  Please give this place a try even if you're not a vegan or vegetarian!  Everyone can enjoy it!