Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Review: Trader Joe's Vegan Cream Cheese

Since I can't make something blog worthy seven days a week and hey sometimes you need to throw on some yoga pants and order some Chinese food, I want to post some reviews of different vegan products my family likes (or detests!)

We definitely have some go to's but I'm always up for buying and trying something new.  Anyone can enjoy vegan products.  Trust me.  I have many friends with dairy sensitivities, and I care about them too much for them to miss out on cheesiness.  Whether you're allergic or dairy or eggs or just want to eat a little bit healthier, vegan alternatives are great and tasty…but sometimes they're not…

I love Trader Joe's.  Trust me.  I'm there at least twice a week.  As I mentioned before I recently moved and I'm sure the employees at my old Trader Joe's have reported me as a missing person.  I do about 85% of our grocery shopping a TJ's.  It's a great place for vegans to shop, but sometimes Trader Joe's misses its mark.

Example:  Vegan cream cheese.

Oh man.  It pains me to write anything bad about Trader Joe's, but yuck.  My husband and I went shopping on Sunday and I was curious to try it, I've had other brands before (which I'll mention) that I can purchase at other store.  In my attempt to make my life easier I decided to buy some.

I opened it the next night and it was apparent something horrible had happened to this particular container of cream cheese. However, having much faith in TJ's, I returned to the store and swapped it out for a new one.  I went home and decide to test it out.  It was gritty, watery, and did not taste at all like cream cheese.

I wanted to get the word out, because I love bagels too much to have you ruin one with this product!

Don't lose faith though, if you're avoiding dairy and still love cream cheese there are other options out there.  In our house we opt for Tofutti cream cheese.  It's smooth and creamy and really does taste like cream cheese.  Daiya also makes cream cheese, but I personally have not tried it.

Oh Trader Joe's…I guess no one is perfect.


  1. I used to use the Tofutti Better than Sour Cream as well as the Cream Cheese. I also love love love the Tofutti cuties. haha

    I have to monitor my dairy intake, because if I have too much, I will get sick.

    1. I saw some of their ice cream at the store but haven't tried it out yet. I love their sour cream too, it's the best I've tried. Have you tried any of the Daiya products?
