Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Night

We went to the gym. My husband is making dinner tonight.  The dog is following his every move.

Life is good.

As much as I love cooking for my family (ask me that in ten years I might have a different response) it's nice to have a night off.  Regardless of whether I'm cooking or not I claimed before we were married sole responsibility of the grocery shopping.  That way when Dylan cooks for me he has plenty of goodies to choose from.

I'd like to do more posts on here about grocery shopping.  I budget $100 a week for groceries which I am easily able to do.  I can usually keep our bill under $80 a week.  I also strive to have minimal food waste.  I read an article recently that stated American's end up throwing out roughly 1/3 of their groceries.  Not in my house!  We rarely ever toss anything out.  I consider my grocery shopping skills as a victory for my family every week.  We eat well and we don't waste.

Now the dog is following me...

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