Sunday, April 17, 2016

Vegan Quiche

Well I have been terrible at this whole blog thing.  I have a ton of excuses, I had an incredibly busy month at work, I'm taking a Sheltered English Immersion class which is about as fun as it sounds, and life is just busy in general.

Don't worry, I haven't neglected feeding my family.  In fact, I've come up with some recipes that have been well received in our house.  Now it's time to share...

I've always been partial to quiche.  Mainly because it helped me pass French class in high school.  I'll explain...

 I was terrible at French because 1. I was/am a terrible speller 2. I was completely uninterested.  My guidance counselor used to give me a hard time because I could get an A in AP English, but was sliding by with a B- in French class.

Well that B- took a lot of work!  Mostly my mom's work and by work I mean she made me quiches for extra credit.  Yes, I am dating myself here.  I went to school when you could actually bring food in for the class.  Oh the good old days before all these food allergies and worrying about kids' BMI's.  So yes, I earned a hefty 10 points of extra credit for bringing in quiche and passing it off as my own creation.  A web of lies...

So today, as you know, my family and I are vegans, but quiche is still on our menu.  I did a little experimenting and came up with something that's pretty damn close to quiche, is super versatile, and

is packed with protein and veggies.


  •  1 block of silken tofu
  • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
  • veggies of your choice (I used onion, garlic and broccoli)
  • 1 cup vegan cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
I've been branching out in the world of tofu.  Silken tofu is awesome!  You can make smoothies, desserts and so much more with it.  If you've never cooked with silken tofu before don't be alarmed by it's appearance, it's delicious.  You not press silken tofu but I would recommend wrapping it in a cloth for about 20 minutes to get the extra water out.  Next you are going to throw your tofu in a blender with some nutritional yeast and salt and pepper to taste and blend together until the mixture is smooth.  

Next saute your veggies.  I used garlic and onion and threw in some frozen garlic.  Once that was cooked I placed my veggies a large mixing bowl.  I added the vegan cheese and then mixed in the tofu and nutritional yeast.  Mix everything together  I sprayed a Pyrex pie dish and added the mixture.  I sprinkled some more vegan cheese on top and cooked it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.  Obviously this is a crust less quiche, I have yet to make this using a crust.  Let's just pretend we're trying to be healthy here.  

It came out looking like a quiche!  My husband really loves this recipe.  We have a CSA box starting in June and I think this will be a great way to incorporate some of our veggies.  I want to to try this with kale sometime for sure.

Bon appetit!