Monday, August 24, 2015

A word about peanut butter...

This post is about two epiphanies.

First...If you haven't tried Peanut Butter & Co.'s line of peanut butter you are missing out.  I don't usually get excited about something you spread onto a sandwich or coax your dog with, but this peanut butter is different. 

My husband introduced me to Peanut Butter & Co. when we were dating.  He made me a sandwich with cinnamon raisin swirl (my current favorite) and I was hooked.

So what was preventing me from filling my cabinets with this delicious spread?  Well unfortunately at the time the only place I could find this peanut butter was at Whole Foods, and it was selling for about $6.  Quite a splurge for something I pair with grape jelly.  Now one of my long term financial goals in life is to be able to do about 80% of my food shopping at Whole Foods, however that it not the reality right now.  Then I made an amazing discovery…

Second...When I was a little kid (before my appreciation of seasonal decorative paper napkins)  my mother would always drag me to the Christmas Tree Shop.  If you're not familiar with the Xmas Tree shop my adult self loves it, but little kid self was not amused my discounted lamps.  It's a great place to buy decorations, kitchen gadgets, curtains and more.  They even have a food section.  Now, my little kid self thought it was pretty sad to be buying food at a store like this.  I often overlooked this section as an adult, until one day I thought I'd look around.

What did I find there?

Peanut Butter and Co. galore AND for $3.69!

So yes, I do some of my food shopping at the Xmas Tree shop and my cabinets are always stocked with delicious peanut butter.  Give it a try, you won't regret it.